Jakob Dowen
Jakob Dowen


CrossFit level 1


Jakob Dowen

I started at Like Water in March of 2022 as a student. Within a few months I saw a total change for the better in my life and knew I wanted to help others achieve this goals. I received my CrossFit Level 1 certification and began Coaching in July of 2023.
I spent most of my life in what I would consider a deep depression. I was extremely over weight my entire life and although I had achieved a lot in most areas of my life I could never get my health on track. I was a heavy drinker from my teen years into my mid-thirties. I started doing CrossFit and really found my passion. It brought out a drive in me to stop drinking, start eating better, and to be better in every area of my life from my businesses, to family life.
I spent most of my life in what I would consider a deep depression. I was extremely over weight my entire life and although I had achieved a lot in most areas of my life I could never get my health on track. I was a heavy drinker from my teen years into my mid-thirties. I started doing CrossFit and really found my passion. It brought out a drive in me to stop drinking, start eating better, and to be better in every area of my life from my businesses, to family life.