40:10 MURPH
5:05 Annie
BJJ Blue Belt
CrossFit L1
CrossFit L2
CrossFit Kids
CrossFit Mobility and Flexibility
CrossFit Aerobic Capacity
CrossFit Weightlifting L1
CrossFit Peri and Postpartum
ThunderBro Training Course
In high school, I participated in Cheerleading, Soccer, and Track & Field purely for the fact that I loved the feeling of being part of a “team” and “community.” I was never considered the “athletic” kid and didn’t consider myself an athlete until I joined CrossFit in 2016. CrossFit and Martial Arts have reignited my love and passion for being part of a hardworking group and were the turning point when I decided I really wanted to help lead others so they may enjoy being active with others.
I met my amazing husband, Doug, when I decided to become healthier and fitter. Since then we’ve had our beautiful daughter, Ripley. My purpose for coaching is to show her how strong women are and the amazing things we can achieve with hard work. There is no other place I’d rather raise our girl, than around others with the mindset of creating a better life for themselves through CrossFit and Martial Arts.